1. Fabricated and assembled metal structures: approximately 400 tonnes. Enclosures with sandwich panels or coated sheet metal: constructed area approximately 10,000 sq.m. Contract with SCC Napoca SA Cluj-Napoca.
2. Fabricated and assembled metal structure for production hall and warehouse: 150 tons. Perimeter enclosures with sandwich panels: 2,500 sqm. Construction and assembly of metal structure and enclosures for production hall - beneficiary SC Tiger Somes Impex SA Dej.
3. Assembly of metal structure, manufacture and assembly of equipment and component parts for waste combustion boiler 40 tons/40 bar: 300 tons. Manufacturing and assembling of cooling tanks and technological paths at SC A6 Impex SA Dej. Beneficiary: SC A6 Impex SA Dej.
4. Dismantling and relocation of cardboard machine and technological equipment, confection and assembly of metal structure and sandwich panel closures at SC Inter Group SRL Cluj-Napoca.
5. Rebuilding of the paper machine hood, modernization works for the paper machine, dismantling of the Yankee cylinder, assembly of machinery and technological equipment for the pulp section, assembly of the electrostatic precipitator and related technological routes - Beneficiary SC Someș SA.
6. Assembly and erection of metal structures, execution of technological paths for the paper machine SC Pehart Group SA and SC MG Tec Grup SA.
7. Assembly of metal structure for production hall Trelleborg Automotive Dej: 5.000 sqm.
8. Assembly of structure for production hall and sheet metal and mineral wool enclosures at SC Cortusa SRL.
9. Assembled and assembled metal structure - Beneficiary LIDL Cluj-Napoca.
10. Assembled cooling tanks - Beneficiary SC Electrocarbon Slatina.
11. Construction and assembly of technological hall, assembly of technological routes and equipment for the treatment plant of Beclean, Turda, Sebeș, Dej.
12. Assembled and installed metal structure for lift at Salina Turda.
13. Diversification of production activity - Extension and modernization of production and storage halls, assembly of equipment and technological routes - Beneficiary SC Pluriplast SRL.
14. Fabrication and erection of steel structures at Avram Iancu International Airport Cluj-Napoca.
15. Fabricated and assembled metal structures and sandwich panel enclosures for Biertan livestock farm.
16. Fabricated and assembled metal structure and enclosures, technological routes for Ciugud and Beclean mini wastewater treatment plants.
17. Assembled and installed metal structure and perimeter enclosures for storage hall - Beneficiary SC Massa Comimpex SRL Dej.
18. Assembled and installed metal structures at Nordex Baia Mare showroom.
19. Fabricated and assembled metal structure for Chinteni and Taureni Sports Hall.
20. Fabricated and assembled metal structure for the gymnasium of Constantin Brâncuși Dej and Ghiuza Technological High School.
21. Fabricated and assembled metal structure for Turda production hall.
22. Assembled and installed metal structure and enclosures for storage hall - Beneficiary SC Tiger Somes Impex SA Dej.